About Kira

RIE Parent-Infant Guidance™ classes with Teacher Kira Solomatova
My name is Kira Solomatova.  I vividly remember my childhood from a very young age. I often think about people, and how they affected who I am today. When I was seven, I decided to become a teacher, teaching my first class to dolls and stuffed animals.During the time, I was in high school, I volunteered in a preschool, and after high school, I attended and graduated from the Pedagogical College. When I started working with children and their families, I immediately noticed how easy it was to build a relationship with some children while it was much more difficult with other children who had conflicts with the people around them. The more I observed, the more I realized that teachers lacked knowledge in this area, which pushed me to learn more about child development. I continued my formal education in child development after my husband and I moved to the United States. After several years in America, I was lucky to discover a progressive developmental school where I worked, taught, and acquired knowledge about child development.One day, we decided to invite a speaker to the school. She happened to be a RIE Associate.  I became deeply intrigued and wanted to learn more about RIE – Resources for Infant Educarers®. Consequently, I enrolled in a RIE Foundation class in Hollywood. This decision changed my entire life. Not only did it change my professional life, but it also helped me become a more authentic individual and find purpose in life. I continued my internship which gave me great opportunities to discover the Educating Approach layer by layer. Teaching RIE® Parent-Infant Guidance™ classes was the best career choice of my life. It felt like all the puzzle pieces finally came together.With the knowledge I acquired from RIE, I published my first book, “Toby is My Bear” as part of a conflict resolution series for preschoolers. In addition, I started a blog about conflict resolution, which I welcome you to check out. Today, I teach RIE® Parent-Infant Guidance™ classes, and courses, as well as hold workshops. I am also available for private consultation. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in any of these services.Warmly,Teacher Kira

RIE Parent-Infant Guidance™ classes with Teacher Kira Solomatova
My name is Kira Solomatova.  I vividly remember my childhood from a very young age. I often think about people, and how they affected who I am today. When I was seven, I decided to become a teacher, teaching my first class to dolls and stuffed animals.During the time, I was in high school, I volunteered in a preschool, and after high school, I attended and graduated from the Pedagogical College. When I started working with children and their families, I immediately noticed how easy it was to build a relationship with some children while it was much more difficult with other children who had conflicts with the people around them. The more I observed, the more I realized that teachers lacked knowledge in this area, which pushed me to learn more about child development. I continued my formal education in child development after my husband and I moved to the United States. After several years in America, I was lucky to discover a progressive developmental school where I worked, taught, and acquired knowledge about child development.One day, we decided to invite a speaker to the school. She happened to be a RIE Associate.  I became deeply intrigued and wanted to learn more about RIE – Resources for Infant Educarers®. Consequently, I enrolled in a RIE Foundation class in Hollywood. This decision changed my entire life. Not only did it change my professional life, but it also helped me become a more authentic individual and find purpose in life. I continued my internship which gave me great opportunities to discover the Educating Approach layer by layer. Teaching RIE® Parent-Infant Guidance™ classes was the best career choice of my life. It felt like all the puzzle pieces finally came together.With the knowledge I acquired from RIE, I published my first book, “Toby is My Bear” as part of a conflict resolution series for preschoolers. In addition, I started a blog about conflict resolution, which I welcome you to check out. Today, I teach RIE® Parent-Infant Guidance™ classes, and courses, as well as hold workshops. I am also available for private consultation. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in any of these services.Warmly,Teacher Kira


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Tips and ideas how you can build connection with young children in your family.

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Parent-Infant Guidance™

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or call me (626) 241-2419 to learn more.

A RIE® Associate facilitates small groups of parents and babies coming together in a relaxing, infant-friendly environment to make friends and enjoy learning together.

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