RIE Parent-Guidance Classes with Teacher Kira Solomatova
Classes are designed for parents and their children, from birth to 24months. Classes are available in person at Pasadena RIE studio and online.

RIE (pronounced “rye”)
is the acronym for Resources for Infant Educarers®, a non-profit co-founded by Magda Gerber and pediatric neurologist Tom Forrest, M.D. in 1978. Gerber was well known for introducing the idea of respecting babies and seeing them as a person with his/her opinion and wishes.
Magda Gerber’s Educaring® approach fosters an authentic sense of self and lays a foundation for secure relationships, enduring curiosity, and lasting self-confidence that promotes infants and toddlers with:
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What will you and your child learn in RIE class?
Tips and ideas how you can build connection with young children in your family.
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Parent-Infant Guidance™
Visit us at www.rie.org
or contact Melani Ladygo at
or call me (626) 241-2419 to learn more.
A RIE® Associate facilitates small groups of parents and babies coming together in a relaxing, infant-friendly environment to make friends and enjoy learning together.